Curious, genuine, & somewhat obsessive.

Who am I?

Hello there. My name is Christina Zsori and I am an interdisciplinary designer.

What I do

Today I specialise in designing for technology. By researching complex problems, applying strategic insight, developing innovative ideas and designing effective solutions, I focus my skills around the interactivity and experience of products, systems or services to positively influence a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of technology.

Why I do it

I am driven by the hope that there is always something interesting to learn. I find satisfaction in making the complex, simple and the boring, fun.

How I do it

I believe it is important that we understand people, business and technology in order to deliver products and services that fulfil actual human needs. I believe good, thoughtful design comes from the comprehension of human cognition, emotion, interaction and the basic workings of nature. We can then take this knowledge to solve the problems of the day and create delightful and enjoyable experiences for everyone.

Where I work

National Australia Bank (NAB) One of Australia's largest design teams where I am a Principle Product Designer. 

Things I believe

  1. It’s nice to be important but more important to be nice.
  2. It’s not what you say but what people hear.
  3. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
  4. You can not control your circumstance, only your response.
  5. Take pleasure in the process and pride in the results.
  6. Have a plan. Don’t be afraid to throw your plan away.
  7. We must judge the value of our work by the impact it has on the world.


  • Good Design Award
    Digital Web Design and Development // How Safe Is Your Car
  • September 2020 

  • Best Website or Online Service
    Retail & Consumer Goods //
  • AMY Awards - July 2017


  • Bunnings – June 2022 to Present 
  • NAB – Senior User Experience Designer – January 2021 to June 2022
  • Inlight –  UX / UI Designer January 2016 — January 2021
  • Telstra Imaginarium – Designer September 2015 — November 2015
  • Fraynework Media – Digital Designer September 2014 — September 2015
  • Wellmark – Junior Designer July 2012 — August 2013


Bachelor of Communication Design (First Class Honours)
2010-2014 Swinburne University of Technology

Curious, genuine, & somewhat obsessive.

Who am I?

Hello there. My name is Christina Zsori and I am an interdisciplinary designer.

What I do

Today I specialise in designing for technology. By researching complex problems, applying strategic insight, developing innovative ideas and designing effective solutions, I focus my skills around the interactivity and experience of products, systems or services to positively influence a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of technology.

Why I do it

I am driven by the hope that there is always something interesting to learn. I find satisfaction in making the complex, simple and the boring, fun.

How I do it

I believe it is important that we understand people, business and technology in order to deliver products and services that fulfil actual human needs. I believe good, thoughtful design comes from the comprehension of human cognition, emotion, interaction and the basic workings of nature. We can then take this knowledge to solve the problems of the day and create delightful and enjoyable experiences for everyone.

Where I work

National Australia Bank (NAB) One of Australia's largest design teams where I am a Principle Product Designer. 

Things I believe

  1. It’s nice to be important but more important to be nice.
  2. It’s not what you say but what people hear.
  3. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
  4. You can not control your circumstance, only your response.
  5. Take pleasure in the process and pride in the results.
  6. Have a plan. Don’t be afraid to throw your plan away.
  7. We must judge the value of our work by the impact it has on the world.


  • Good Design Award
    Digital Web Design and Development // How Safe Is Your Car
  • September 2020 

  • Best Website or Online Service
    Retail & Consumer Goods //
  • AMY Awards - July 2017


  • Bunnings – June 2022 to Present 
  • NAB – Senior User Experience Designer – January 2021 to June 2022
  • Inlight –  UX / UI Designer January 2016 — January 2021
  • Telstra Imaginarium – Designer September 2015 — November 2015
  • Fraynework Media – Digital Designer September 2014 — September 2015
  • Wellmark – Junior Designer July 2012 — August 2013


Bachelor of Communication Design (First Class Honours)
2010-2014 Swinburne University of Technology